Monday, December 10, 2012

Las Posadas

Our travels took us today to Mexico where we were able to celebrate Las Posadas. Las Posadas is celebrated in Mexico where children representing Joseph and Mary go door to door inquiring, "Is there any room in the inn?" After knocking on doors and turned away, eventually children reach a home where they are welcomed in and served tasty treats.
Charlie played the role of Joseph and Lilly played the role of Mary for us today. With Charlie and Lilly knocking on doors and the class following behind, we were turned away twice, but finally welcomed to Ms. Edward's class where we sang and danced to Feliz Navidad and ate candy canes.

Mrs. Strom's class turned us away

Ms. Stacker's class turned us away

Ms. Edward's class welcomes us in - "Yes, we have room!"

Candy canes for everyone

Dancing to Feliz Navidad

Kayla, Emma Null (new student), Macy

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