Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tie-Dye Tuesday!

Let's celebrate the Letter T for the rest of the school year! Each Tuesday we'll wear our new tie-dye shirts!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hooray, Hooray for Tie-Dye!

Another fun-filled day celebrating the Letter T! Hannah Sligh (Ella's mom) was kind enough not only to purchase the t-shirts and materials needed for Tie-Dye, but she also led small groups as they created their t-shirts. Students also discovered what would happen as they mixed colors. This has been a "t"errific week to learn about "T"!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Teddy Bear Tea Party

Our day ended with a very fancy tea party with our teddy bears! I think we have several great "T words" we can associate with the letter T.

Teddy Bear Picnic

The Lizards were so excited to celebrate the "Letter T" with a teddy bear picnic at lunch. Each child took their teddy bear with them as we dined outside.