Thursday, May 18, 2023
Liquids into Solids
The Lizards had a special treat today when Mrs. Wendy Welch (Vips Volunteer) brought materials for the children to learn about states of matter. Ms. Welch is a retired sceince teacher, so this experiment was right up her ally. Students took large Ziploc baggies full of ice and rock salt. Inside the large bag, students placed a smaller bag full of colored/flavored water. After allowing the flavor bag to cool, it slowly turned into a solid. The kids had a nice time eating their slushies.
If you'd like to complete the experiment at home, you will need: Large Ziploc baggie, small ziploc baggie, rock salt, ice, flavored water. Inside the large bag, place a handful of ice and rock salt. Inside the smaller bag, place your flavored water. Put the smaller bag inside the larger bag. Wait about 5 minutes for the slush to form.