Friday, February 25, 2022

Letter "P" Chart

The Lizards set a new record this morning with a whopping 32 words to add to our "P" Chart! They helped count and read the words.

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lloyd!

The Lizards wished Mrs. Lloyd a very happy 75th birthday today! She's a blessing to our classroom and the kids love her. She wanted me to tell everyone how much she appreciated the gift and kind card.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Shiver me timbers! Pirates galore!

Ahoy me hearties! The Lizards celebrated the Letter P today by dressing and acting like pirates. We even made our own treasure maps. These scalawags had a terrific day!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Last of the Habitat Dioramas Complete

After many hours of work and using our imaginations, all of our habitat dioramas are complete. I big shout-out of thanks to Ms. Dasu who worked with each student to talk about, brainstorm, and help execute the students' ideas. All of the habitats are on display in the Fulbright Media Center.