Wednesday, September 26, 2012

D is for Doughnuts with Dads

Doughnuts with Dads was so much fun this morning! I hope everyone had a delightful time visiting with their child. Reminders:
1) Watch Dog Dads Kickoff is tomorrow night
2) Still waiting on many of you to email me "How I Got My Name" stories - please email me the story by this Friday, the 28th


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Fabulous day at The Roberts Ranch

Cowboy and Cowgirl Day was a huge success at The Roberts Ranch today! The cowhands out did themselves by waving their hats and saying "Howdy Partners" to all the passerby's in our parade. Next, we headed outside to lasso Happy, the Shetland pony, take pictures, and pet his soft mane. Last, we headed to the Chuck-wagon for a little grub and relaxation. What a day for these cowpokes! Everyone should sleep good tonight under the stars!


Grub by the campfire

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Celebrating Ms. Gomillion's Birthday

We had so much fun celebrating Ms. Gomillion's birthday today! Thanks to Tarra Morris and Monica Taylor for making an awesome card from each child, buying a beautiful plant, and popping popcorn for Ms. Gomillion's party!

Surprise Ms. Gomillion!!!!


Fun with the party blowers!

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

B is for Butter

After reading The Little Red Hen, we needed to make Butter for our Bread!

First, we poured the cream

Next, we shook the jars of cream while we said the Better Boogie Chant

Put it in the refrigerator to chill

Yummy homemade butter on bread!

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B is for Bear

We had so much fun on Friday napping with our Bears!


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lizard's Grandparents Day Photos!

Thanks to all our grandparents for visiting our room!  We loved having you as our guests!